Four Ways to Guard Against Video Conferencing Cyberattacks

Whether you use video conferencing software as part of a class or for business, it’s essential to know that there's a chance you're at risk for a cyberattack. These kinds of attacks are increasingly common on college campuses across the entire country as well as in the commercial sector. For millions of people, there’s not a workday that goes by without a conference call. Luckily, there are options to reduce your attack surface and make your experience safer.

Update, Update, Update!

The number one thing you'll want to do is update your program, especially if you have yet to do so recently. According to The Daily, “Over 30% of all companies surveyed claimed that they experienced at least one attack against their conferencing software in 2021, and it's likely that many of them were using outdated versions of their preferred chat applications.”

Password Hygiene

Password hygiene is another critical aspect of videoconferencing safety. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways around your organization’s security measures. And one of the easiest ways they can do that is by guessing or cracking your weak password!

Here are some startling statistics: The average person reuses each password 14 times! And an estimated 49% of employees only add a digit or change a character in their password when required to update it!

Make sure to set a strong password and change it regularly. Here are some tips to help you create an even stronger password:

  • Don’t create passwords using information that can be easily found online, like pet names, addresses, or important dates.
  • The absolute minimum length is eight characters, but 16 or 20 characters are even more secure.
    Use a Passphrase.

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